White Cultural

It can be argued that Catholic and Irish immigrants were treated just as harsh as African Americans in the 17th century. The cultural behind America was if you were white then you were alright, but that changed when white immigrants traveled into America and had different religious choices. Most Irish and German immigrants were referred […]


Living in 2019 humans have more ways to describe yourself rather than 50 years ago you were labeled what people called you. Humans started to categorize themselves as a way to create statuses and hierarchy. Also, as humanity grown along years humans ran into other humans who did not quite look like them. This led […]

Everyday Racism

As a young African American women I have definitely experienced my fair share of everyday racism. Black people and other minorities always see the front face of racism. The thing about being a minority is that you just have to accept the little racist encounters you face just to eliminate any further altercations. We are […]

Comedians Using Race??

I think comedy was invented to entertain and create jokes that relate to the audience. I think that it was also created as a tool to address serious or controversial topics in a funny way so it can be talked about. Sometimes people cannot handle sensitive topics so as a comedian they try to break […]

New Topics

Other topics Dr.T should have his future students write research papers on religion. Have students analyze if religion is actually needed or was it something created to keep faith and hope. They can go into rather they believe in religion and how that effects them. This topic can be a sensitive topic that can spur […]


Humans make mistakes, when we are around something that we like it is harder to resist. Temptation is everywhere however, we try to limit the temptation in our home. When the married couple need to hire workers they should avoid hiring an attractive worker to work in their homes to limit the temptation. Even though […]

Elementary Children’s Health

Elementary schools have always been one of the main source of child obesity, and one way it can be lowered would be replacing all sugary beverages with water.  Schools should get ride of juices because it will also encourage kids to live a healthier lifestyle by drinking water at an early age. With the obesity […]

Mike Tyson Tattoo Scandal

In the legal case involving the famous Mike Tyson tattoo being used in the movie, The Hangover, the tattoo artist who designed the tattoo should receive money from the movie studio due to branding rights and art recognition. There was a scene in the movie where one of the character, Stu, woke up with the Mike […]

Response to Mr. Cantwell

Mr. Cantwell, Oh, Oh, Mr.Cantwell. I hope you are having a good and productive time trying to make another peaceful protest. You know making sure you have all of you weapons before you step outside the house, preparing for the fact someone might die during your protest. I must say you are quite the character […]